Mid Year Update

WBIED.com Opinion Piece
WBIED.com Opinion Piece

Thankfully it’s been a quite year for Water Borne IED’s. This can be attributed to a number of global factors which is impacting on the ability of terrorists to commit water borne attacks.  Better intelligence, enhanced evasive maneuvers and the restriction of bomb-making supplies.  The reality is that it is technically less complex to build a traditional IED with a far greater impact than that of a WBIED.

The WBIED is not designed to sink a ship, although this could be the ultimate goal of the bomb-maker.  What is primarily the objective is to show vulnerability especially against the naval might of the world super-powers.

Piracy continues and we will post a report on this in the next couple of weeks.

(Article update: see the mid year ICC / IMB Piracy report – Click Here )


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